Reliance JIO has introduced their new Dhan Dhana Dhan offer but users can still avail the previous Happy New Year Offer for free. Reliance JIO has silently extended the Happy New Year Offer till 22 April that means users who have not opted for either Summer Surprise Offer or have not recharged a single Rupee can still get unlimited Local/STD calls and 1GB/day for free till 22 April which may be extended further.
Let me explain you with some proofs.Here I have screenshots for two JIO numbers. First number has been recharged with Rupees 99+303 and availing the Summer Surprise Offer but the last number has been recharged with Rupees 99 only but still availing Happy New Year Offer and in My JIO app it is being shown that the Happy New Year Offer will be expired on 22 Aprli on that number.
Jio is the best network in India .
ReplyDeleteBut some signal failures.
Needs to improve. apart that JIO is the best network in India.
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