Xiaomi launched Mi Max 2 in India. Mi Max 2 is the successor of last year's Mi Max. Mi Max 2 is a 6.4" huge phablet powered by 2.0 Ghz octa core Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 chipset and fueled by large 5300 mAh battery with Quick Charge 3.0 facility. There are 12MP and 5MP cameras on the rear and front side of Mi Max 2 respectively. The original Mi Max 2 has two variants: 4GB RAM+64GB Storage and 6GB RAM+128GB Storage. Sadly in India only 4GB+64GB variant has been launched.
Mi Max 2 has been priced @ INR 16,999($270). It will be available on leading e-commerce platforms like Flipkart, Amazon, Tata Cliq & Mi.com as well as offline from 20 July. Mi Max 2 will be available in one colour only that is the Mate Black colour.
In-depth specifications of Mi Max 2 are mentioned below.
If you seach on YouTube "how to see other's WhatsApp messages?" You will get so many videos and tricks some of which really work. Yes you can read other's WhatsApp messages by using third pary apps like Whatscan for WhatsApp etc. Sounds interesting!! But how would you feel if your WhatsApp account is hacked and someone else is invading your privacy?
In this article I will explain two important topics:
1. How to check if your WhatsApp account is hacked or not?
2. How to prevent WhatsApp from being hacked?
WhatsApp is probably the best instant messaging app for both Android and iPhone users. Earlier we could only share audio, video, image and document files through WhatsApp but the recent update makes it lot easier. We can now share any type of file through WhatsApp up to 100 MB but whenever we send or receive any image file using Whatsapp the original quality and the resolution of that picture gets reduced drastically due to WhatsApp's compression algorithm.
Now I will tell you a trick following which you can send the original image file via WhatsApp and the picture quality will be same as the original picture; so no compression and compromise in details and resolution.